Christian Gagnon

Department of Anthropology Boston University


Anthropological genomics ¨ Genetics ¨ Non-human primates ¨ Human evolution ¨ Bioinformatics ¨ Natural selection ¨ Cold Adaptations



2018-Present   BOSTON UNIVERSITY                                                                                       Boston, MA

Ph.D. Anthropology

Dissertation: Evolutionary History and Adaptive significance of UCP1

Mediated Thermogenesis in Primates

Expected defense date: 12/23

2015-2018       CUNY HUNTER COLLEGE                                                                           New York, NY

                        Degree: M.A. Anthropology

                        Thesis: Phylogenetic History of the AMY Gene Cluster in Catarrhines

2013-2015       CUNY HUNTER COLLEGE                                                                           New York, NY

                        Degree: B.A. Anthropology                                                                                                                         

2010-2013       FORSYTH TECH COMMUNITY COLLEGE                                      Winston-Salem, NC

                        Degree: A.A. Emergency Preparedness Technology


Aug. 2019 -     BOSTON UNIVERSITY                                                                                        Boston, MA

Present            Teaching Fellow/ Lead Instructor

Aug. 2016 -     CUNY HUNTER COLLEGE                                                                           New York, NY

2018                Assistant to the Director of the Program in Human Biology

Jan. 2016 -      CUNY HUNTER COLLEGE                                                                           New York, NY

2018                Adjunct Professor

May - Sept.     WILDLIFE CONSERVATION SOCIETY                                                    New York, NY

2015                Wildlife Conservation Education Fellow

Jan. - May       CUNY HUNTER COLLEGE                                                                           New York, NY

2015                Undergraduate Research Fellow                                                                                                

Jul. 2011 -       GRIFFITH FIRE DEPARTMENT                                                          Winston-Salem, NC

Jul. 2013         Firefighter



Title                                                                            Course #                      Semester

Human biology, behavior, and evolution                   AN102                        Spring 2023 (Head TF)

Human biology, behavior, and evolution                   AN102                        Summer 2022 (Lead instructor)

Human biology, behavior, and evolution                   AN102                        Spring 2022 (Head TF)

Human biology, behavior, and evolution                   AN102                        Fall 2021 (Head TF)  

The evolutionary biology of human variation            AN233                        Spring 2021 (Head TF)

Human biology, behavior, and evolution                   AN102                        Fall 2020

Human biology, behavior, and evolution                   AN102                        Spring 2020

Human biology, behavior, and evolution                   AN102                        Fall 2019

The Human Species                                                    ANTHP105                 Spring 2018

Human Evolution                                                       ANTHP101                 Fall 2017 (Lead instructor)

Human Evolution                                                       ANTHP101                 Spring 2017

Human Evolution                                                       ANTHP101                 Fall 2016

Human Evolution                                                       ANTHP101                 Spring 2016

Human Evolution                                                       ANTHP101                 Fall 2015



2023                Outstanding Teaching Fellow Awardee, Boston University College of Arts and Sciences

2023                Summer Research Grant, Boston University Department of Anthropology

2022                The Leakey Foundation Research Grant Awardee

2022                Runner-up best poster presentation Northeastern Evolutionary Primatology conference

2022                Summer Research Grant, Boston University Department of Anthropology

2021                Summer Research Grant, Boston University Department of Anthropology

2020                Summer Research Grant, Boston University Department of Anthropology

2019                Summer Research Grant, Boston University Department of Anthropology

2019                Summer Institute for Statistical Genetics Scholarship, University of Washington

2019                Honorarium, Boston University Genome Science Institute

2016-2017       Research Fellowship, CUNY Hunter College



1. Gagnon, CM & Schmitt, CA. Phylogenetic analysis of the UCP1 gene in primates reveals clade-specific structural variation (In prep)

2. Gagnon, CM, Svardal H, Jasinska AJ, Freimer NB, Grobler PJ, Turner TR, Schmitt, CA (2022) Evidence of Selection in the UCP1 Gene Region Suggests Local Adaptation to Irradiance Rather Than Cold Temperatures in Savanna Monkeys (Chlorocebus Spp.) Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 289, 20221254.

3. Steiper, ME, Grube, NT, & Gagnon, CM (2021) Elevated diversity in loci linked to facial morphology is consistent with the hypothesis that individual facial recognition is important across hominoids. American Journal of Physical Anthropology174(4), 785-791.

4. Gagnon, CM, Steiper, ME, & Pontzer, H. (2018) Elite swimmers do not exhibit a body mass index trade-off across a wide range of event distances. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences285(1882), 20180684.



1. Grube, NT, Gagnon, CM, & Zarate, MA (2022). Primatology and evolutionary anthropology at the 91st meeting of the American Association of Biological Anthropologists. Evolutionary Anthropology: Issues, News, and Reviews, 31(5), 222-226.

2. Harwell, FS, Gagnon, CM, & Henderson, WB (2022). The seventh annual northeastern evolutionary primatologists (NEEP) meeting: Back in‐person in Boston, MA!. Evolutionary Anthropology: Issues, News, and Reviews31(1), 5-8.



Year                University                                                                               Department or Institute

2020                Boston University (Boston, MA)                                           Anthropology

2019                Boston University (Boston, MA)                                           Genome Science Institute

2017                CUNY Hunter College (New York, NY)                               Human Biology Program

2017                CUNY Hunter College (New York, NY)                               Anthropology



1. Gagnon, CM, Schmitt, CA (2022). Analysis of the UCP1 gene in primates reveals clade-specific structural variation. Genome Science Institute Research Symposium (Boston, MA) - Poster

2. Gagnon, CM, Svardal, H, Jasinska, AJ, Freimer, NB, Grobler, PJ, Turner, TR, Schmitt, CA (2022). Evidence of selection in the FABP4 gene region suggests thermoregulatory adaptation to cold temperatures in savanna monkeys. Northeastern Evolutionary Primatologists (SUNY Buffalo) - Poster

3. Gagnon, CM, Kavanagh, K, and Schmitt, CA (2021). A method for estimating supraclavicular brown adipose tissue volume using CT scans. Northeastern Evolutionary Primatologists (Boston University) - Poster

4. Gagnon, CM, Schmitt, CA (2021). Phylogenetic analysis of the UCP1 gene in primates reveals clade-specific structural variation. American Assn of Physical Anthropologists (Virtual) - Podium

5. Gagnon, CM, Schmitt, CA (2020). Phylogenetic analysis of the UCP1 gene in primates reveals clade-specific structural variation. Northeastern Evolutionary Primatologists (Virtual) – Podium

6. Louisor, K, Gagnon, CM, Svardal, H, Jasinska, AJ, Freimer, NB, Grobler, PJ, Turner, TR, Schmitt (2019). Characterizing population variation in the ASPM gene region among savanna monkeys (Chlorocebus spp.). Northeastern Evolutionary Primatologists (Virtual) – Poster

7. Sun, EY, Gagnon, CM, Svardal, H, Jasinska, AJ, Freimer, NB, Grobler, PJ, Turner, TR, Schmitt (2019). Investigating selection in the PLIN2 (Perilipin-2) gene among wild savanna monkeys (Chlorocebus spp.). Northeastern Evolutionary Primatologists (Virtual) – Poster

8. Hilsenrath, JM, EY, Gagnon, CM, Svardal, H, Jasinska, AJ, Freimer, NB, Grobler, PJ, Turner, TR, Schmitt (2019). Investigating selection in the CXCR6 gene in wild savanna monkeys (Chlorocebus spp.). Northeastern Evolutionary Primatologists (Virtual) – Poster

9. Gagnon, CM, Svardal, H, Jasinska, AJ, Freimer, NB, Grobler, PJ, Turner, TR, Schmitt (2019). Evidence of selection in the ucp1 gene region suggests local adaptation to cold temperatures in South African vervet monkeys (Chlorocebus pygerythrus). Genome Science Institute Research Symposium (Boston, MA) - Podium

10. Gagnon, CM, Svardal, H, Jasinska, AJ, Freimer, NB, Grobler, PJ, Turner, TR, Schmitt (2019). Evidence of selection in the UCP1 gene region suggests local adaptation to cold temperatures in savanna monkeys (Chlorocebus spp.). Northeastern Evolutionary Primatologists (UMass Amherst) – Podium

11. Cooper, T, Gagnon, CM, Svardal, H, Jasinska, AJ, Freimer, NB, Grobler, PJ, Turner, TR, Schmitt (2019). TRPM8 analysis suggests regional selection for cold sensitivity in South African vervets. Northeastern Evolutionary Primatologists (UMass Amherst) – Poster

12. Grob, G, Gagnon, CM, Svardal, H, Jasinska, AJ, Freimer, NB, Grobler, PJ, Turner, TR, Schmitt (2019). The evolutionary genomics of the PPARG gene in South African vervet monkeys (Chlorocebus pygerythrus). Northeastern Evolutionary Primatologists (UMass Amherst) – Poster

13. Gagnon, CM, Svardal, H, Jasinska, AJ, Freimer, NB, Grobler, PJ, Turner, TR, Schmitt (2019). Evidence of selection in the ucp1 gene region suggests local adaptation to cold temperatures in South African vervet monkeys (Chlorocebus pygerythrus). American Society of Primatologists (Madison, WI)            - Poster

14. Gagnon, CM, Steiper ME (2018). Phylogenetic history of the AMY gene family in catarrhines. Primate Ecology and Genetics Group (Cape town, South Africa) - Podium

15. Gagnon, CM, Steiper ME (2018). Phylogenetic history of the AMY gene family in catarrhines.  American Assn of Physical Anthropologists (Austin, TX) - Poster

16. Gagnon, CM, Steiper ME (2018). Phylogenetic history of the AMY gene family in catarrhines.  Northeastern Evolutionary Primatologists (Canisius College) - Podium

17. Steiper ME, Grube, NT, Gagnon, CM, Evidence for elevated diversity in genes linked to facial diversity in apes supports the hypothesis that individual facial recognition is important across hominoids (2017). American Assn of Physical Anthropologists (New Orleans, LA) - Podium

18. Gagnon, CM, Steiper ME, Pontzer H (2017). Body mass index varies with event distances among elite runners but not swimmers. Human Biology Association (New Orleans, LA) - Poster



2018    South Africa (Free State).  Savannah monkey (Chlorocebus pygerythrus) morphometrics and genetic sampling.

2017    Uganda (Kibale National Park). Olive baboon (Papio anubis) population genetics, genetic effects of habitat type.

2015    Uganda (Kibale National Park). Red tail monkey behavior, costs, and benefits of poly-specific associations.



Cell culture (ipsc, fibroblast, NPC, brown adipose), chemical cell conversion, PCR, RT PCR, gel electrophoresis, DNA extraction (Feces, blood, and tissue), RNAseq, Next-gen whole genome sequencing (Illumina, Nanopore), Oil Red O lipid staining, immunostaining, fluorescence microscopy.



Coding languages: Unix/linux, R, Python. Software: Rstudio, MEGA, Clustal, PAML, MAFFT, Hyphy, VCFtools, BCFtools, est-sfs, 3d-slicer, Avizo